A Blessing for Holy Week

A Blessing for Holy Week

If you feel like life is already dark

if Lent feels never-ending

if worry has taken over your mind

if you wonder when dawn will break –

this blessing is for you.

This blessing gently invites you in 

to feel the days and the week

the holy days

the lingering minutes

the stories of our faith. 


This blessing knows uncertainty, pain, and darkness 

but this blessing also sees the light.


This blessing will take your hand and guide you:

to take the bread and wine 

hearing Jesus say, “Given and shed for you.” 

To hold your feet and wash them

looking in your eyes to say, “I love you.”
To sit at the foot of the cross crying with you

offering presence in grief and loss

never leaving your side.

To wait and dance in the dark, peering into the light

rising with the Son, meeting at the empty tomb. 


This blessing is yours through the holiest of days

and the biggest heartbreaks

this blessing is your as the blinding sun falls over you 

transforming death into life.


So come closer and hear these words

they are yours

today and everyday:
you are loved, you are loved, you are loved


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is a mother, wrier, and pastor living in Central Missouri with her family. You can read more at her website: Kimberlyknowlezeller.com. If you’d like to read more from Kim, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter, Walk and Talk here. As a gift to her readers and subscribers who sign up, she has a free downloadable resource: Walk and Talk with God: Reflection, Scripture references, and a how-to for your own contemplative walk.


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