a poetic reflection on Mark 1:1-13: “And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.”
I try to imagine sometimes
What it would be like
To have witnessed the most amazing moment
Of Jesus being baptized in the Jordan
And the heavens cheering approval…
Doves, heavenly weather displays and “the voice”…
All the powers
Of the Holy Spirit
On full enthusiastic display.
Yet, presumably…
this same spirit
is what immediately drives him into the wilderness,
the land of snakes and scorpions.
A dangerous place
where water is scarce,
and food is scarcer,
and the equatorial sun
can parch the life out of anyone.
Jesus had no time to enjoy the moment…
nor did those present that day
get to talk to him
about the meaning of what had taken place.
They had only one another
to bounce around what they had seen,
perhaps over a cup of wine,
a meal,
or the waning coals of a campfire
on their journeys home.
And how were they to explain
what they had experienced
to those who hadn’t accompanied them…
and who would even believe it?
Perhaps decades later,
when it was clear
that Christianity had been fully born,
the ones who remained from that day–
older, more world-weary, and wizened–
still found tattered bits of hope from that amazing day
to help them wake up tomorrow,
arthritic limbs, fuzzy vision, faltering gait and all,
and face another day of old age.
And although our minds usually focus,
when we hear this story,
on Christ’s temptation and the forty days ahead,
I can’t help but wonder
if the bigger story
was about all those
where nothing happened
yet they had the rest of their lives
to ponder its meaning.
Image: The baptism of Jesus, as depicted at Yesus Church, Axum (Aksum), Ethiopia. Photo by Adam Jones, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Maria Evans splits her week between being a pathologist and laboratory director in Kirksville, MO, and gratefully serving in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri , as Interim Priest at Trinity Episcopal Church in Hannibal, MO.