Wineskin Under Repair

A poetic reflection on Mark 2:13-22

When I finished the Camino last June,

I was probably in the best physical shape

I have been in a decade.

Thirty-five days on the road

and months preparing

had melted a lot of fat

and put a lot of muscle on my 62 year old body.


Yet by the time I returned home

COVID had stricken me down.

My brain was full of new wine–

New ideas, new ways of seeing the world,

new things to ponder.

And there I was

in a suddenly-much-more-fragile-wineskin

and no place to store what could be awesome wine.


Now before anyone feels too sorry for me,

as COVID cases go,

it was a relatively mild one,

but my medical chart still says,

“Post-COVID Syndrome,” seven months later

because my wineskin

is still pretty darn fatigued,

and I now struggle with 

Vitamin D Deficiency.


Yet I can feel the bubbles

from the new wine bubbling inside of me, 

and although I think my wineskin

is in a little better shape

than it was seven months ago

I have to ask…
“Was it meant to go in this aging wineskin?

Or was it meant to put in a newer skin?”

And yeah…

deep inside of me

I know the correct answer,

and I ponder the best way

to give it away.

Maria Evans splits her week between being a pathologist and laboratory director in Kirksville, Mo., and gratefully serving in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri , as Interim Priest at Trinity Episcopal Church in Hannibal, Mo. 

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